Privacy Policy


The material on this website is for informational purposes only. HAVAL Motors Australia Pty Ltd endeavors to keep the information on our site as accurate and as up-to-date as possible. However, to the full extent permitted by law, HAVAL Motors Australia Pty Ltd makes no warranty and representation, endorsement, express or implied, as to the reliability, completeness or accuracy of the information, nor accept any liability resulting from the access of this site and reliance upon its contents of information (including the software operating in connection with the HAVAL Motors Website). HAVAL Motors Australia Pty Ltd reserves the right to change the information including but not limited to the models, prices, colours, materials, equipment or other specifications referred to on this site at any time without prior notice.  Always consult your HAVAL Motors dealer for the latest information about a HAVAL Motors product, and its availability. HAVAL Motors Australia Pty Ltd makes no warranty and takes no liability for any websites maintained or controlled by other entities which are or may become linked or framed to or from this site. All information on this site is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights. You may not use any copyrighted information (including images, text, trademarks) on this site without prior written approval from HAVAL Motors Australia Pty Ltd or as permitted by Australian Law.

1.   Introduction

HAVAL Motors Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 68 166 119 795) (“HAVAL, “GWM”, “we”, “our” and “us”) is committed to protecting the privacy of individuals and to complying with the Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Information Privacy Principles in the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020 (together, the “Acts”). GWM will only collect, use and disclose the personal information as set out in the Acts and other applicable laws and this Privacy Policy. GWM may use its discretion to change this Privacy Policy from time to time, including to reflect changes in our operations. The updated version will be available from our website at and we recommend that you regularly check back to review the latest version of this Privacy Policy. In this Privacy Policy, “personal information” includes information or an opinion about an individual who is reasonably identifiable. GWM dealers (“Dealers”) are independent entities and responsible for their own privacy practices, which may differ from ours. Please contact your Dealer directly for further information.

This Privacy Policy does not apply to personal information which is collected via GWM and HAVAL vehicles.  For our privacy policy relating to in-vehicle infotainment units, please see [] and for our privacy policy relating to vehicles with telematics functionality, please see [].

2. What types of personal information does GWM collect?

The types of personal information GWM collects from you depends on the circumstances in which the information is collected.

GWM may collect contact details including your name, address, email address and phone and fax numbers. Where relevant, GWM may also collect personal information including; your driver licence details, date of birth, occupation, gender, information about your vehicle (including its number plate and vehicle identification number), answers you provide to questions we ask and other information in relation to your dealings with GWM or Dealers (such as types of vehicle purchased and replaced and repair/service history).

When you are using the GWM website, GWM may collect web site usage information such as the IP address you are using, the name of your Internet service provider, your browser version, the website that referred you to us and the next website you go to, the pages you request, the date and time of those requests and the country you are in. Except where you provide it to us via the website, we do not collect personal information such as your name, postal address, email address or phone number when you are browsing our website.

GWM does not usually require customers to provide any sensitive information (e.g. details of race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, health information etc.) to us. However, it may be necessary to provide sensitive information if you apply for employment with us.  If you provide sensitive information to us for any reason (for example, if you provide us with information about a disability you have or other health related information), you consent to us collecting that information and to us using and disclosing that information for the purpose for which you disclosed it to us and as permitted by the Acts and other relevant laws. In some cases (such as if you apply for a position with us), sensitive information in relation to an individual’s membership of a trade or similar association may be provided to us but we do not actively seek this information and will only use and disclose that information for the purpose for which you disclosed it to us and as permitted by the Acts and other relevant laws.

In addition to the types of personal information identified above, GWM may collect personal information as otherwise permitted or required by law.

3. How do we collect your personal information?

GWM will generally collect personal information directly from you in a number of ways. For example, we collect information when you:

  • use this website to make an enquiry about our products and services, such as when you request to be sent information or for purposes that are made clear on the page on which the information is collected;

  • are employed by us or apply for a position with us, through the application and employment process, including through external parties such as your referees and previous employers;

  • enter our website, where our external party Internet Host provider records your server address; domain name, the date and time of your visit and the pages viewed;

  • purchase a vehicle or service a vehicle and become a customer;

  • enter a competition or respond to a survey;

  • post a comment on our website, send us an email or make a telephone enquiry;

  • ask to be placed on a mailing list; or

  • provide your information to an external party that we supply or provide services to such as Dealers, contractors and regulatory authorities.

Irrespective of the source, HAVAL respect and value your personal information and will handle it in a manner as set out in this Privacy Policy and the Acts.

If you do not provide us with your personal data, we may not be able to fulfil the purpose for which we are seeking the information.  For example, you may not be able to utilise certain functionality of the GWM Website, or we may not be able to progress your application for employment with HAVAL.

4. What do we use your personal information for?

The purposes for which we use and disclose your personal information will depend on the circumstances in which we collect it. We may use or disclose your personal information:

  • for the purposes for which we collected it (and related purposes which would be reasonably expected by you);

  • for other purposes to which you have consented; and

  • as otherwise authorised or required by law.

In general we collect, use and disclose your personal information so that we can do business together and for purposes connected with our business operations. Some of the specific purposes for which we collect, use and disclose personal information are as follows:

  • to facilitate your request for a brochure or test drive, to add you to a mailing list or to respond if you request information (including via the GWM website or via an email you send to us);

  • to record and maintain the details of your purchase of a GWM vehicle for warranty purposes;

  • to keep track of the repairs and servicing of your GWM vehicle by Dealers;

  • to issue service reminders;

  • to improve our products and services;

  • to contact you with further information about, and to seek feedback on ,our products and services;

  • to provide advice to and evaluate Dealers;

  • to verify your identity;

  • to access your suitability for employment or other relationships with us;

  • to facilitate your entry and participation in a competition or trade promotion;

  • to consider you for a job at GWM (whether as an employee or contractor) or other relationships with us;

  • to provide goods or services to you, or provide information on goods or services to you, or to receive goods or services from you;

  • to address any issues or complaints that we or you have regarding our relationship; and

  • to contact you, including via electronic messaging such as SMS and email, by mail, by phone or in any other lawful manner.

We may also use and disclose your personal information for the purpose of direct marketing to you where:

  • you have consented to us doing so; or

  • we are otherwise required or permitted by law to do so.

5. To whom do we disclose personal information?

We may disclose your personal information to our affiliates and external parties in connection with the purposes described in section 4 of this Privacy Policy. This may include disclosing your personal information to the following types of parties:

  • Dealers;

  • our related companies

  • our authorised agents and contractors (for example mailing houses, printers, marketing agencies, insurance providers, accountants, website and data hosting providers and other IT suppliers);

  • other persons or entities who perform services for, or in connection with, us (including to facilitate the delivery of purchases, to provide roadside assistance, for electronic direct mailing, for credit card payment authorization, for trend analysis, for market research, for promotions and for the provision of statistical sales information to industry bodies);

  • companies who may use your personal information in order to tailor electronic advertising to you (e.g. on a webpage) in relation to our products and services;

  • our accountants, insurers (including those that provide extended warranties), lawyers, auditors and other professional advisers;

  • if you are an individual contractor to GWM, to your employer or agency in relation to the performance of your work with GWM;

  • if you are an individual contractor to GWM or a prospective employee, to our medical service providers for any medical assessments or in relation to any health or safety incidents and to HR related service providers (e.g. for background checks, screening or aptitude testing);

  • any external parties to whom you have directed or permitted us to disclose your personal information (e.g. referees);

  • in the unlikely event that we or our assets may be acquired or considered for acquisition by an external party, that external party and its advisors;

  • external parties that require the information for law enforcement or to prevent a serious threat to public safety; and

  • otherwise as permitted or required by law.

Where we disclose your personal information to external parties we will use reasonable commercial efforts to ensure that such external parties act in a manner consistent with the  Acts. If you post information to certain public parts of our website or to our social media pages, you acknowledge that such information may be available to be viewed by the public. You should use discretion in deciding what information you upload to such sites.

6. Does your personal information leave Australia or New Zealand?

Some of the external parties to whom we disclose personal information may be located outside Australia and New Zealand and/or may be incorporated in a country other than Australia or New Zealand. For example, we may disclose personal information to our related companies overseas and to our overseas service providers. The countries in which these external parties are located will depend on the circumstances. In the ordinary course of business we commonly disclose personal information to parties located in China (where our HAVAL group data and business centres are located) and Singapore. We will ensure that any overseas disclosure of personal information complies with the applicable requirements of the Acts.

7. Direct marketing

Direct marketing involves communicating directly with you for the purpose of promoting goods or services to you and to provide you with special offers from GWM or its Dealers. Direct marketing can be delivered by a range of methods including mail, telephone, email or SMS. You can unsubscribe from our direct marketing, or change your contact preferences, by contacting us (see section 12 of this Privacy Policy). If you wish to unsubscribe from direct marketing you have received from a Dealer, please contact that Dealer directly.

8. Security

We store most information about you in computer systems operated either by us or external third parties.

GWM will take reasonable steps to keep any personal information we hold about you secure and to prevent unauthorised access to, disclosure of, misuse of or loss or corruption of your personal information. Please notify us immediately if you become aware of any breach of security.

9. Links, cookies and use of our website

The GWM website may contain links to other sites. The operators of those websites may have privacy policies and practices which differ from our own. We encourage you to read the privacy policies of each website that collects your personal information. GWM is not responsible for the content of any external website or the privacy practices of any external party.

GWM uses technology such as “cookies” on its website and in emails you have agreed to receive from us so we can improve our website and services provided by our websites and enhance your user experience. Cookies are small pieces of information sent by a web server to a web browser, which enable the server to collect information from the browser. We use cookies to ascertain which web pages are visited and how often, to make our websites more user friendly, to give you a better experience when you return to a website and to target advertising to you that we think you may be interested in. For example, cookies allow us to save your password so you do not have to re-enter it every time you visit our site. Most web browsers automatically accept cookies. Cookies can be disabled or purged from your browser if you so choose. You can find information specific to your browser under the “help” menu. We can’t guarantee the proper functioning of our websites if you choose to disable cookies. Each time you access GWM websites, the GWM server may deliver certain customised information, including ads, to you based on the data stored in your cookies.

External vendors may show our ads on sites on the Internet and serve these ads based on a user’s prior visits to our website and other Internet activity. GWM may also use analytics data supplied by external vendors to inform and optimise our ad campaigns.

External websites, including Facebook, may use cookies, web beacons and other storage technologies to collect or receive information from our websites and elsewhere on the internet and use that information to provide measurement services and target ads. For more information on disabling cookies see [].

10. Accessing and updating personal information

You may seek access to personal information which GWM holds about you by contacting us as described in section 12 of this Privacy Policy. We will provide access to that information in accordance with the applicable Act, subject to certain exemptions which may apply. We may require that the person requesting access provide suitable identification and, where permitted by law, we may charge an administration fee for granting access to your personal information.

If you become aware that any personal information we hold about you is incorrect or if you wish to update your information, please contact GWM (see section 12 of this Privacy Policy).

If you wish to access, correct or update personal information held by a Dealer, or unsubscribe from direct marketing from the Dealer, please contact that Dealer directly.

11. Queries, comments and complaints about our handling of personal information

We welcome your queries or comments about our Privacy Policy and personal information handling practices. If you have any questions, concerns or complaints about our collection, use or disclosure of personal information, or if you believe that we have not complied with this Privacy Policy or an Act, please contact us (see section 12 of this Privacy Policy). When contacting us please provide as much detail as possible in relation to your question, concern or complaint. Haval will take any privacy complaint seriously and any complaint will be assessed by an appropriate person with the aim of resolving any issue in a timely and efficient manner. We request that you cooperate with us during this process and provide us with any relevant information that we may need.

You may also approach an independent advisor or contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner ( or, if you are located in New Zealand, the Office of the New Zealand Privacy Commissioner (, for guidance on alternative courses of action which may be available.

12. Contact details

If you wish to seek access to or correct or update any personal information we hold about you, or to unsubscribe from or change your contact preferences in relation to our direct marketing, or contact for all privacy related queries, requests and complaints you can contact HAVAL Motors Australia: Email:

13. Transparency Policy for Suppliers

Great Wall Motors advocates integrity management, and cracks down the corrupt behaviors seriously. In case that you come up against the corrupt behaviors such as requesting kickbacks and manipulating tenders, please kindly report to Great Wall Motors in time at the mail address: Email:

In order to expedite the investigation process, please kindly specify the following information as much as you can:

  1. Name of the contact being reported;                                           

  2. Time, venue and detailed process of the case;

  3. Picture, video or other proofs;

(All the information of informers will be kept strictly confidential by Great Wall Motors)

Corruption Report Contact Information:

Postal 745 Springvale Rd, Mulgrave VIC 3170
